International Climate Change Day, Our Day 🌍

Today, on International Climate Change Day 🌍, let us reflect on the urgency of addressing this global challenge. Climate change is an undeniable reality that impacts the world, manifesting itself in rising temperatures, melting glaciers, extreme weather events and loss of biodiversity 🐟🌿☀️ The responsibility falls on all of us, as individuals, communities and governments,…

🌍 Boosting the Green Factor: Erasmus+ Project Update 🌿

📅 Training Course in Penagos, Cantabria, Spain (30th May – 7th June, 2023)   Permacultura Cantabria had the pleasure of hosting a Training course focused on youth entrepreneurship and fostering a sense of initiative as part of the “GREEN Factor” project. This engaging course brought together two youth workers from each partner organization, creating a…

GREEN Factor partners together in the IITMP of the project

From 16 to 17 May 2023, the GREEN Factor project partners met in Brno, Czech Republic, for the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting. Representatives from all partners were present, including EJU (France), Permacultura Cantabria (Spain), IED (Greece), Jo Consulting (Italy) and Kveloce (Spain). On this occasion, PELICAN (Czech Republic) was present as a partner of the…