It is time to change!
GREEN Factor project starts now!
The change of mentality and the sense of initiative of young generations are key to protecting the environment as a response to the climate emergency.
Although problems associated with the environment occur globally and require a large-scale response, in all sectors, and with participation of governments of all countries and large companies, individual change, or the so-called ” POWER OF ONE”, also plays an important role in the fight to protect our planet, our home, and thus make our life here sustainable over time.
As also established by the European Green Deal (2019) and the Green Deal Work Program 2018-2020 within the framework of Horizon 2020 (Area 10, theme 2: Behavioural, social and cultural change for the Green Deal), the main challenge at European and international level is “to promote changes in social practices and in the behaviour of individuals, communities, public and private organizations, which can be achieved through collective and participatory processes or through a sense of citizenship environmental and climate justice. Addressing these issues requires behavioural, social and cultural change research and experimentation across Europe, and requires analysis of social practices and behaviour change processes, including the sharing of good practices, tools and resources.”
To face this great challenge, the Erasmus + project GREEN Factor- eco and entrepreneurial pathways to boost young people’s factor of change arises.
The main challenge of this project is to promote a change of mentality and a sense of initiative, especially in young generations, as a necessary step to raise and develop their awareness of sustainability and empower them by becoming a “true factor of change”.
Since GREEN Factor aims to foster awareness for sustainability especially in young people, who will become the adults of tomorrow and responsible for future generations, the project will mainly focus on the needs and attitudes of young people (16-30 years old) and professionals who work with young people (youth workers, staff of youth and green associations), in order to impact them more efficiently and in the long term.
This Erasmus+ project has partners from six European institutions: E-Juniors (France) as project coordinator, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (Greece), JO CONSULTING SRL (Catania – Italy), Kveloce I+D+i (Spain), Association Cultural and Environmental Permaculture Cantabria (Spain) and Spolek PELICAN, z.s. (The Czech Republic).
Last May, the first transnational online meeting took place, with the participation of representatives of the aforementioned institutions with the aim of organizing the work plan that will be followed throughout the project and coordinating the tasks of management and dissemination of future activities.
We put at the service of young people our commitment to help them take action to protect the future of our planet, our home.
If you want to know more do not hesitate to follow us!